Greener Gardens: Creating Sustainable Outdoor Living Spaces
03 January 2025
Creating a new garden requires a lot of resources, so it’s important to firstly, design and build it well, but to also keep sustainability in mind.
Remember all those cheap softwood decks that were all the rage back in the days of the television series ‘Ground Force’? We have lost count of the number of slippery rotten decks that we have ripped out over the years. There is a wide of array of better and more sustainable materials available now for building decks and many other garden features in a way that is much more sustainable.
So, let’s start with decking installation , a lovely feature but even a good quality softwood deck is unlikely to last much more than 15 years. Composite materials including recycled plastic will have a longer service life with less maintenance needed. A properly specified sub structure will give lasting support to the composite deck boards which are available in a wider variety of colours and textures.
Low-carbon footprint paving is more of a challenge. For most, the choice is between a concrete based product or imported natural stone or porcelain. It’s especially important that paving is installed to last. It must be laid over substantial foundations to best practice specifications and using quality materials.
Other surfaces that are better environmentally include stabilised gravel. This utilises recycled plastic cellular trays which contain and stabilise a loose gravel fill. Rainwater is able to drain through into the ground rather than running off into the drains.
There are also opportunities to recycle when building a new garden. This can reduce the amount of spoil removed and new materials delivered. There are economic factors to manage but on larger projects it can be viable to bring portable crushers on site and then recycle old paving and concrete as hardcore. As costs for removing waste go up, this is likely to become more viable and widespread in the future.
Fortunately, landfill is not the destination for all spoil that Haywood Landscapes create in building a new garden. Inert and organic material is separated, green waste is composted for re-use and many inert materials are crushed for hardcore off-site.
In pursuing sustainability there are also some things to avoid, notably artificial grass. This is manufactured using a mixture of plastics and is not recyclable. When a natural lawn is removed in favour of artificial grass, huge areas of insects and bird habitat is lost, and a sterile heated environment is created.
Last but not least, thoughtful design is crucial. We always try to work with the ‘lay of the land’ to minimise ‘muck away’ and improve rather than simply dig out and replace soil. Then by selecting the ‘right plant’ for the ‘right place’ we can ensure successful and long-lasting planting schemes which are manageable and also attract wildlife.
There is no single path to creating a sustainable garden design, but with our experience and understanding of materials, soils, construction techniques and garden design we have the skills to deliver great sustainable outdoor living spaces.
At Haywood Landscapes, we have been advising clients and building beautiful gardens across Kent and the surrounding areas for over 30 years
If you’re ready to see what our creative garden designers can do with your outdoor space, get in touch with us or call 01227 733447 today.